
EPM Homeopathic Treatment Protocol
[EPM Treatmen]

EPM Homeopathic Treatment Protocol
EPM Homeopathic Treatment Protocol 48 day very effective and no side effects. Add, the EPM nosode to prevent reinfection (given monthly year round). 1 dram size will last up to 5 horses for a year. Directions come with as well as consulting with me.

It's also very important to NEVER again use chemical wormers on an EPM horse. It tends to cause a relapse. We have a natural dewormer called NOMS very effective, and Parasite tonic for blood stream parasites. Find in the EPM and Wormer catagories, left side of the cart in alphabetical order.

Also very recommended is the ABC PLUS digestive or Plus Fortified to help keep a healthy gut lining (will also help heal a leaky gut lining) and this will help improve and support the immune system and all other systems as well since our gut is 80 to 90% of our immune system health and whole body health from hair tips to hoof material.

Also recommended the EPM Supplement usually one to 2 buckets (has 3000IU of VitE and 4500 MG of Choline a neurotransmitter per serving, to help make repairs, and the FREE Choice Stress system if you can put it out.

More info. Natural Homeopathic Approach to Treating EPM Positive Horses Formulated by an holistic homeopathic veterinarian, a base of using Heel Homeopathic Remedies, the EPM Homeopathic Kit for horses contains:

1 bottle of EPM nosode liquid spray which is a homeopathic immunization made from the spinal fluid of an EPM infected horse

1 pint of EPM Homeopathic treatment made up of several remedies (which is the vet's proprietary formulation of homeopathic remedies) inlcuding but not limited to arsenicum, traumeel, hypericum, gelsinium, and plumbum, et al.

For those of you whose horse is EPM positive, and want a more natural approach to healing, this homeopathic kit will help you to do that at a far lower cost then Marquis which is only 50-65% effective at best. This homeopathic kit has been used on over 2,500 horses around the country for more than 15 years and will heal the horse over a course of 48-60 days typically, with some horses needing a second round.

The nosode and the liquid are given orally, over a protocol. The pint of EPM Tx contains a complex of proven homeopathic remedies that have an affinity for the nervous system. The nosode is a homeopathic immunization.

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