Parasites can live in any part of the digestive tract or any other body cavity. Parasites can also live within organs, blood tissues and cells. They can cause a multitude of symptoms - diarrhea, fevers and lack of energy.
PARASITE TONIC creates an environment that is conducive to the growth of friendly organisms such as acidophilus, but is an unfriendly environment for parasites.
Dosage: 1/2 ounce for 32 days. Administer 3 - 4 times yearly.
Ingredients Listing: Water, Alcohol Extract, Soy Proetin Concentrate, Dried Kelp, Lactobacillus Acidophilus Fermentation Product, Yeast Culture, Aloe Vera, Natural Herb.
Parasite Tonic
Parasites can live in any part of the digestive tract or any other body cavity. Parasites can also live within organs, blood tissues and cells. They can cause a multitude of symptoms - diarrhea, fevers and lack of energy. Parasite Tonic creates an environment that is conductive to the growth of friendly organisms such as acidophilus, but provides an unfriendly environment for parasites.
Parasite Tonic is utilized along with NOMS. It is a liquid and one 16 ounce bottle will applicate a single horse, orally for 1 month. It is suggested to cycle a 16 ounce bottle 2 - 3 times annually. Parasite Tonic does NOT replace the use or benefits of NOMS!
Parasite Tonic - 1 Gallon Bottle - Item no. A110
Parasite Tonic - 16 Ounce Bottle - Item no. A111
INGREDIENTS: Water, Alcohol Extract, Soy Protein Concentrate, Dried Kelp, Lactobacillus
Acidophilus Fermentation Product, Yeast Culture, Aloe Vera, Natural Herb.
DIRECTIONS for Horses: (per 1,000 pounds)
Add 1/2 ounce to grain (or) 1 ounce to the water tank per
horse per day for 30 days. Administer 3-4 times yearly.
A110 1 Gallon (3.78 L)
ABC Note:
To achieve the best results
using this ABC product your
horse must be supplemented
with 4 ounces of ABC’s
Plus® per day and have the
Free Choice Stress System
available. Consult your
veterinarian for assistance in
the diagnosis, treatment and
control of parasitism.
Manufactured for:
Advanced Biological Concepts®
P.O. Box 27 • Osco, Illinois 61274-0027
Disclaimer: Advanced Biological Concepts® accepts no responsibility for performance failure or misuse of this product, or
changes of organic and natural protocol that we are not aware of.
DIRECTIONS for Sheep and Goats:
Administer 2 cc’s per day for 30 days. REPRODUCTION