
Zlem/Sleep, Slim Red Velvet 25 pk Ship FREE 2 day

Zlem/Sleep, Slim Red Velvet  25 pk Ship FREE 2 day
Zlem 25 pak. $79.95/25 in a pak (take one for 6 days each week)

Cutting Edge Restful Sleep + Slimming Technology

Our nighttime formula for sound sleep, body composition optimization, and overall better health and daily performance.

Shipped UPS 2nd day Air for $5

Red Velvet Cake Flavor

Non-GMO, Gluten FREE, VEGAN, Keto Friendly, Dairy FREE, cGMP Certified

zl?m sleep & slim

Zl?m, pronounced [ zleem ], is a cutting edge biohacking formula with a full spectrum of powerhouse ingredients that deliver maximum impact in the area of body renewal, restoration, and optimization all while delivering a sound, restful night's sleep.

Stage 1
Restful Sleep
Brighter Mornings

Stage 2


Sleep is one of those things we don't think about too often, until we don't get enough of it, particularly in adulthood. This one state plays such a vital role in our overall health and well-being that overlooking it is not only irresponsible but can also be dangerous.

Science has proven that adequate sleep is essential for better productivity, concentration, and brain performance. Not to mention, lowers the risk of weight gain, better calorie regulation, greater athletic performance, and improved muscle recovery!

The benefits are endless and result in a more robust immune system, reducing depression, hormonal balance, reducing inflammation, and even lowering the risk of heart disease. So, with all this, why is a restful night's sleep so elusive? The answer lies in our modern lifestyle and the pursuit of everything, at all cost.

Another reason is most people believe sleep is a waste of time. What if you can make sleep even more productive?


Of course, the benefits of exercise on weight and overall good health are well known. However, what you don't know is, science has found a way for you to get many of the benefits of exercise, known as "exercise factors" without the long hours and intense effort. Exercise always will be very important to overall well-being, but couldn't we all use a little "unfair advantage?" Zl?m delivers!


Excessive stress not only keeps us awake, but it's also bad for our health. When we are stressed, a part of our brain sends signals to release stress hormones. There was a great benefit to this when we lived in caves and had to dodge all sorts of physical danger daily.

But today, if the stress response is too frequent, it can compromise our health and weaken our immune system, impacting fertility, sex drive, and even increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack. Excessive stress can also cause weight gain and fat retention.

Within this snap are proven ingredients to help control cortisol, the main stress hormone.


Today, our scientists have employed nanoparticles in nutraceuticals as the next generation of health and biohacking for solubility, stability and improved absorption rates.

Nanotechnology is the science of reducing particles to 100 nm (nanometer) or less, which can make many compounds more easily digested.

That is why Velovita’s scientists have created a proprietary formulation to enhance the body's response to our nutrient-rich serum that acts quickly to deliver energy to your brain so that you can snap back into life instantly!

At Velovita, we believe that good health and well-being requires a holistic approach. It all comes down to the decisions made that dictate how your day turns out, and these daily decisions impact your life's direction.

With Zl?m we pick-up where Br?n leaves off!

While you are getting a good night's rest, Zl?m delivers nutrients that help you tackle some of the toughest problems we deal with daily, such as the effects of a modern diet and excessive stress on the body.

Among many other things that keep us from our best, today's lifestyle has also created a society of individuals that are at an unhealthy weight.

Our scientists combined specialized ingredients to address many causes of unhealthy weight while you sleep. Every serving of Zl?m contains a cutting-edge silver-bullet called Mitoburn. Studies have shown it has a positive effect on decreasing body fat and appetite while increasing lean muscle and promotes anti-aging.

In Stage 1, you'll feel lighter, slimmer, refreshed, and less burdened by bloating and toxins in the morning. Stage 2 brings brighter mornings and more of that silver bullet to increase your AWESOME!

If you could make yourself better, 24 hours a day, with one small decision and 2 simple snaps, what would stop you?

Use Zl?m alone, or better yet, combine it with Br?n and you have a recipe for an unstoppable you!

Supports rejuvenated mornings
May help balance serotonin levels
Improves sleep quality
Supports healthy weight management
May help turn down the dial on stress
Enhances nighttime renewal


Dandelion Root Extract helps in dealing with high blood pressure and has long been used in Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine to help CLEANSE THE LIVER.

Ginger Root Extract is known for its powerful ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and antioxidant effects. Senna Leaf is an herb, used to help stimulate body waste elimination to clear the bowel.

Vitamin B3 (as Niacinamide) is one of the two forms of vitamin B3. It helps improve CHOLESTEROL LEVELS and address abnormal levels of blood fats.

Hops Extract: It may help in relieving ANXIETY, SLEEPING DISORDERS, or disturbed sleep due to rotating or nighttime work hours, restlessness, tension, excitability, nervousness, and irritability.

Melatonin is a hormone that is found naturally in the body. Melatonin's main job in the body is to regulate night and day cycles or sleep-wake cycles.

Ashwagandha Root Extract has been used for over 3,000 years to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration. Ashwagandha also has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as a stress hormone given that your adrenal glands release it in response to stress, as well as when your blood sugar levels get too low. Ashwagandha is perhaps best known for its ability to REDUCE STRESS. ADAPTOGENIC HERB.

Lemon Balm Extract is used to HELP WITH ANXIETY, STRESS, insomnia, indigestion (dyspepsia), mental clarity, and many other conditions.

Passionflower Extract is used for ANXIETY, including anxiety before surgery. Some people take passionflower for insomnia, stress, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), pain, and many other conditions.

Cranberry Superfood is high in antioxidants, mainly PHENOLS, and ANTHOCYANINS and contains a variety of other nutritional properties.

Marshmallow Root Extract aids in DIGESTION and acts as a natural diuretic, helping the body flush out excess fluids.

Milk Thistle Seed Extract - cleanse, DETOX, and support liver function

Organic Artichoke Extract (Inulin) - may aid in reducing bad cholesterol levels, and raising good ones. Also aids in cleansing the liver of unwanted toxins with its antioxidant properties.

Beet Root is a dietary fiber that improves digestive health, supports brain health by promoting the DILATION OF BLOOD VESSELS and thus increasing blood flow to the brain, and has nutritional properties that are good for weight loss.

Papaya Extract - used to relieve uncomfortable digestive symptoms, such as gas, bloating, and HEARTBURN.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a natural water-soluble vitamin (Vitamin C). Ascorbic acid is a potent antioxidant agent that functions in FIGHTING BACTERIAL INFECTIONS, detoxifying reactions, and the formation of collagen in fibrous tissue, teeth, bones, connective tissue, skin, and capillaries.

L-Citrulline - boosts NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION in the body which helps address fatigue, muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It is used for heart disease, bodybuilding, increasing energy, and improving athletic performance Tri Potassium Citrate - Used to make urinating less acidic as well as preventing kidney stones.

L-BAIBA (Mitoburn)MitoBurnTM -aminoisobutyric acid (L-BAIBA) is an amino acid by-product of the branched-chain amino acid L-valine. L-BAIBA is one of the myokines, affectionately known as “exercise factors”, which play a powerful role behind the benefits of regular exercise—increased glucose uptake, increased free fatty acid oxidation, and reduced fat mass.

Enzyme Blend - Digestive enzymes supplements are normally taken with meals to aid in digestion, when taken in between meals on an empty stomach, they may have the potential to stimulate the immune system, MANAGE ARTHRITIS, REDUCE INFLAMMATION, improve liver health, and more.

Green Tea Extract - High in antioxidants and good for HEART HEALTH. Has beneficial effects on the brain, liver function and may aid in healthy weight management. Apple Cider Vinegar - May be beneficial in maintaining a healthy weight by inhibiting the ability to digest starch.

Calcium AAC - Calcium plays a very important role in the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of nerves, cells, muscle, and bone. If there is not enough calcium in the blood, then the body will take calcium from bones, thereby weakening bones. L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes relaxation without a drowsy feeling by reducing your resting heart rate and blood pressure. This makes it ideal for people with increased anxiety and high levels of stress.

GABA functions as a neurotransmitter to reduce the activity of neurons in the brain and central nervous system. This causes a broad range of effects on your body and mind to include increased relaxation, reduce stress, alleviate pain, and help promote sleep. This can be beneficial in people with ADHD by relieving brain fog and hyperactivity. Aloe Vera Leaf Powder - May aid in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Used as a natural laxative.

Magnesium Citrate - Used to promote bowel cleansing.


OTHER INGREDIENTS: Purified Water, Natural Flavor, Sea Salt, e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia extract)


OTHER INGREDIENTS: Purified Water, Erythritol, Natural Flavor, Rebaudioside A (Stevia extract), Malic Acid, e-Polylysine (preservative), Rebaudioside M (Stevia extract)

Take once daily. Stage 1 for the first 7 days then Stage 2 for the remainder of the box. For best results, take 30 minutes prior to bedtime.

WARNING: Before taking any dietary supplement you should always consult your health care practitioner if you are using any medications or have any medical conditions. Please consult your physician if you are pregnant, nursing or taking a prescription drug, or have a medical condition.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Will Zlem keep me awake?

Zl?m is designed to help you sleep more soundly. The ingredients that help with fat loss are revolutionary in that they are non-stimulant so you should not experience any problems with sleeping.

What makes Zl?m different than other products?

Zl?m is revolutionary in that it aids healthy weight management in multiple ways, addressing several of the main causes of unhealthy weight, all while you sleep. There are no stimulants. It is designed to help you to get a restful sleep. This makes Zl?m unique.

Can I take the product if nursing or pregnant?

We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP manufacturing facility. However, in the case of nursing or pregnancy, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.

Are there any side effects I should know about?

The only thing to mention is that during stage one, the cleansing is quite thorough so you may experience some slight cramping. That is the product doing its very important work and why stage 1 is only 7 days. Rest assured the product is safe but if the cleansing is too intense, you can back it down to half a serving per day.

Can I take more than 1 a day?

We recommend you take only one stage 1 per day for the first 7 days of each box, before bedtime. Then we recommend only one stage 2 per day for the rest of the box, before bedtime.

Can I combine Zl?m and Br?n?

YES! Actually the two can be used independently, but the results are that much better if taken together, each as directed. With Zl?m at night and Br?n in the morning, you are set up for optimal results and 24 hours a day of AWESOME!

Is Zl?m safe for children?

We stand behind the safety and efficacy of every ingredient and as always, behind our FDA registered and cGMP manufacturing facility. However, in the case of children under 16 years of age, we suggest you check with your doctor and take their recommendation.

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