Horse, Dog, Cat, People, Probiotics and Enzymes, Colostrum,
Beta Glucan
Equine Solutions Catalog Page 22a
Cut back on your feed
costs, by improving gut digestion and absorption!
ESR Equine-zyme, K9-Zyme, Kitty-zyme Colostrum, Beta Glucan
(Earth Song Ranch)
Herbal Wormer & Eye Health Support Herbs (Uveitis/Glaucoma)
Equine-zyme, K9-Zyme and Kitty-Zyme, Beta
Glucan, Joint-Zyme
Hoof Builder, MSM, Glucosamine,
Mare, Foal, Stallion, Senior Zyme,
Cushings, EPM, Tummy-Zymes
Pure Herbs and Herb Blends for info only
Homeopathic Nosodes - Alternatives to Vaccines
for Equines, Dogs and Cats
Horses, Dogs and Cats,
Colostrum, Beta Glucan, People
"Increases the Horses (Dogs & Cats too!) ability to extract Maximum Nutrition
and Utilization from their normal diet."
Understanding Probiotics and Zymes
A unique blend of Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes.
Optimizes the Absorption of Nutritional Supplements for improved health & well being.
Helps to Minimize Internal Parasitic Infestations.
EQUINE-ZYME combines a unique formulation of all natural ingredients to
promote the overall health and well-being in horses of all groups and ages. This specially designed formula combines
key and essential ingredients, which have been proven effective to increase feed digestion, nutrient absorption,
and utilization of feed ingredients.
Using a delicate blend of live Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast culture, microencapsulated beneficial bacteria
(Probiotics), digestive enzymes and various key ingredients, EQUI--ZYME
is a long-term proactive and preventative approach in maintaining a healthy horse under every day stresses
such as competition and travel.
Benefits of EQUINE-ZYME
Increases the Transfer of Nutrients From Mare to the Nursing Foal
Stimulates Neonatal Growth
Increases Phosphorus Digestibility up to 25%
Increases Availability of Limiting Amino Acids
Increases Fiber Digestion by 10% to 25%
Overall Health Condition
Improves Coat Condition
Increases Phosphorus Availability for Skeletal Development
Improves Fiber Digestion
Improves Feed Efficiency
Improves Mineral Availability
Reduces Antibiotic use
No Side Effects or Allergies
No Artificial Preservatives
No Fillers
No Withdraw Time
Nutrient Composition:
Molasses Yeast, Rice Bran, Colostrum (pure), Yucca sichidigera extract, ascophyllum nodosum (kelp), amino acid
complex, ascorbic acid (Vit C), Whey Protein (Ion Exchange), Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Lecithin, Vitamin Complex,
Mineral Proteinate Complex, Digestive Enzyme Complex, Ginseng. (and NO ALFALFA)
Guaranteed Analysis:
Crude Protein (min) 28.0%
Crude Lipid (mim) 1.5%
Crude Fiber (max) 10.0%
Lactobacillus acidophilus (min) 1.5 X 107 CFU/g
Enterococcus faecium (min) 1.5 X 107 CFU/g
Bacillus subtillis (min) 1.0 X 108 CFU/g
Saccharomyces cerevisiac (min) 4.0 X 109 Cells/g
Nutrient Composition (per 1 scoop serving)
Molasses Yeast 1500 mg
Rice Bran 1000 mg
Colo9strum (pure) 1000 mg
Yucfa schidigera Extract 800 mg
Ascophyllum nodosum (kelp) 750 mg
Amino Acid Complex 750 mg
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 750 mg
Whey Protein (Ion Exchange) 500 mg
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 500 mg (only when you request Equine-Zyme with MSM)
Lecithin 250 mg
Vitamin Complex 175 mg
Mineral Proteinate Complex 160 mg
Digestive Enzyme Complex 160 mg
Ginseng 150 mg
Flavored with Carrot Powder
EQUINE-ZYME is a Balanced Blend of the Following Ingredients:
Live Yeast Culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
Yeast cultures are widely distributed in nature and have been used for several thousand years. Since yeast cells
are rich in products such as enzymes, fatty acids, Vitamin B complexes, unknown growth factors (UGF), and amino
acids (more than 40% of the total dry weight), its nutritional value is high. The benefits of yeast supplements
in equine rations are increased fiber and nutrient absorption, improved dry matter intake, and increased energy
and weight gain. Yeast cultures can also absorb mycotoxins in the feed and improve digestion and absorption of
minerals including Phosphorus, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Zinc, and Manganese.
Microencapsulated Live Beneficial Bacteria
Beneficial bacteria (Probiotics) including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Enterococcus faecium, and Bacillus subtilis
which are beneficial microorganisms, that have been proven to replenish essential microflora and decrease the incidence
of gastrointestinal disorders. Beneficial bacteria, especially Lactobacillus sp. can produce specific anti-microbial
substances that have been observed to inhibit the growth of some pathogenic microorganisms including Escherichia
coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella sp. These beneficial microorganisms are most effective to use during
periods of disease or stress and following antibiotic treatment when no lactic acid bacteria are present. Beneficial
bacteria cause no tissue residual effect or possible microbial mutation.
Mannan-oligosaccharide and beta 1,3-beta 1,6 D-Glucan are potent immunostimulants derived from the cell wall of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Paecilomyces sp. These immune-activators can naturally reinforce a normal healthy
immune system and effectively bind and absorb various pathogenic bacteria including Escherichia coli, Clostridium,
Vibrio and Salmonella. Other actions include blocking the colonization of pathogens in the gastrointestinal tract,
protecting against infection, and accelerating wound healing.
Organic Minerals
All animals including horses benefit from the mineral fortification of feeds. Minerals are the requirement of all
metabolic processes in the animal's body and the deficiency of some minerals can lead to poor performance.
Minerals in feed supplements are available in both organic and inorganic forms. Inorganic forms of minerals consist
of sulfates, oxides, and carbonates, these forms are less expensive and most commonly added; however, high concentrations
of inorganic minerals can interact with other feed ingredients, thereby decreasing their bio-availability and bioactivity.
Organic forms of minerals on the other hand are usually linked to an amino acid carrier where they are "escorted"
across the stomach of the digestive tract with greater efficiency (Feedstuffs 1993). Equine-Zyme contains only
organic minerals which are more bio-available and bioactive.
"Whatever the nutritional potential of a food, its contribution is nonexistent if it does not pass the test
of absorption. Those nutrients that have not been transferred through the intestinal mucosal cell to enter the
circulation have, for all nutritional intent and purpose, have never been eaten. The variety of nutrients from
the organism's environment that have been made available by absorption must be transported through the circulatory
system to the aqueous microenvironment of the cells. There, they serve their ultimate purpose: participation in
the metabolic activities in the cells on which the life of the total organism depends." (Nutrition: An Integrated
Approach p. 283)
Digestive Enzymes
Enzymes, which are one of the most important factors for digestion and begin the digestive process, are functional
protein molecules that can catalyze and accelerate the rate of feed digestion. The function of these digestive
enzymes include:
Alpha Amylase - Breaks down carbohydrates, including starch, into simple sugars.
Protease - Digests protein into peptides and amino acids.
Cellulase - Splits the beta 1,4 glucose linkage in cellulose (fiber) into available glucose.
Lipase - Digests fat into fatty acids and glycerides.
beta-Glucanase - Breaks down beta-Glucan - long chain carbohydrate (arabinose, xylose & ribose).
Phytase - Aids in utilization of normally indigestible organic phosphorus in phytates (phytic acid).
Full Spectrum Antioxidants
Antioxidants work in several ways to protect cells, enzymes, and hormones from oxidation by free radicals. These
free radicals are highly reactive compounds that are created in the body during normal metabolic functions or introduced
from the environment adversely affecting cellular repair, metabolism performance, and accelerating aging. Supplementing
dietary antioxidants may be an achievable means to improving health and performance.
Kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum)
Kelp is widely recognized to be a nutritionally dense marine plant, which contains over 60 minerals and elements,
more than 12 vitamins (including Carotene, Folic Acid and Tocopherol), as well as a full range of amino acids.
Compared to other algins, kelp is especially rich in iodine, which helps regulate the thyroid and acts as an antibiotic
to kill germs and unwanted bacteria. A few of the many benefits of kelp include shiny coat, supple skin, and general
increased health.
Colostrum contains a balance of the various Immunoglobulin's including IgG, IgA, IgM, & IgE, the colostrum
used in Equine-Zyme is specially designed to maintain and provide a high concentration of Immunoglobulin's (IgG)
content while maintaining high antibody activity. Recent medical findings have determined that bovine colostrum
contains natural immune and growth factors that are not specific to cattle; therefore making dairy cows the "universal
donor" of colostrum. Colostrum can therefore be utilized, effectively and safely, by humans and other mammals,
which includes horses, cats and dogs.
Colostrum contains over 37 different and important natural immune factors along with more than 8 growth factors
including IGF-I, GH & TGF-B, which work together in a specific balance to combat illness and promote health.
However, many of these factors can be lost if the colostrum is not collected and prepared properly, therefore loosing
many of the benefits of the natural balance. The proprietary process used to make this colostrum was designed to
preserve and enhance the balance of these factors. What the numerous scientific studies have shown is that colostrum
contains powerful immune factors, which include, but are not limited to, Immunoglobulin's, Lactoferrin, Leukocytes,
Cytokines and Interferon.
The perfectly balanced immune and growth factors found in colostrum can assist in restoring compromised immune
functions to normal range and also helps to protect against infection and environmental allergens. While the growth
factors found in colostrum promote healing, provide energy; increase muscle mass and regenerate aged or injured
cells. In some studies it has been shown to work to repair as well as in some cases reverse some of the damage,
which may have been caused by the aging process, environmental factors, illness, stress and injuries.
As most of us know a majority of diseases and infections enter the body through the intestinal tract or bowel.
One of the leading beneficial factors of colostrum is that it contains several substances, which play a role in
the healing of the whole gastrointestinal tract. It has been found that the immune factors in colostrum are also
protected from the stomach deactivation by their association with specific glycoproteins found within the colostrum.
These proteins help to buffer the immune factors and insure that they can enter the blood stream intact. In numerous
case studies performed there have been no reported allergies to pure colostrum, but those individuals allergic
to milk protein may want to consult a physician before using this nutrient. The colostrum used in Equine-Zyme is
100% pure colostrum with no fillers, no whey and no other delivery system ingredients added to dilute it.
The immune factors in colostrum can have an immediate effect, attacking pathogens in the intestines, inhibiting
their ability to reproduce and preventing their attack on the intestinal wall. Several of the growth factors have
an anti-inflammatory effect while other growth factors repair damaged tissue and seal the mucus layer of the intestines,
assisting in making it more impermeable to toxins and parasites.
The use of colostrum has been scientifically proven to assist in healing the lining of the small intestine, where,
for the most part, nutrient absorption takes place, thus allowing the body to better utilize the nutritional aspects
of food and supplements. Not only does this enhance nutrient uptake, but it also helps in preventing invading organisms
from entering the bloodstream, which could otherwise slip through the intestinal lining going directly into the
bloodstream causing illness and disease. The regenerative effects of colostrum however also extend to nearly all
structural cells of the body. For example, some of the compounds, found in many of the scientific studies, have
been known for synthesis and repair of cartilage.
Lecithin is a phospholipids composed of fatty acids and contains glycerin, phosohocans and choline. It has been
found to supports nerve function and aids the passage of many nutrients from the bloodstream into the cells. Lecithin
is essential for numerous critical metabolic processes.
Essential Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein, which are needed to build the various proteins used in the growth,
repair, and maintenance of body tissues. Over half of the amino acids essential to life are made by the body itself,
the rest (called essential amino acids) must come from the diet.
Lysine - Works with other amino acids to maintain growth, preserve lean body mass, and support the maintenance
and balance of nitrogen in the body. Lysine also helps the body absorb and conserve calcium and promote the production
of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes.
Methionine-Supplies sulfur and other compounds required by the body for normal
metabolism and growth.
Threonine - A limiting factor in maintaining tissue growth and maintenance.
Yucca Schidigera Extract
Yucca extract has been known as nature's natural blood purifier due to its high content of Vitamin A and Vitamin
B complexes. Yucca extract is also rich in calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, and copper, which provide
better nutrient absorption at the cellular level. Saponin and other aromatic compounds in yucca extract can bind
ammonia to form saponin-ammonia complexes and reduce the level of noxious ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in waste.
Many herbalists have named ginseng "The King of Herbs" and have sworn that it restores youth, vigor,
and vitality. The active ingredients in ginseng are complex carbohydrates called saponins or ginsenosides. These
ginsenosides produce effects such as stimulating the endocrine system and maintaining proper hormone levels, balancing
metabolic processes, improving muscle tone, and stimulating physical and mental activities especially under high
physical exertion and stress. Because of its powerful activating properties, ginseng has been used for a variety
of diseases including weakness, bronchitis, diarrhea, indigestion, fatigue and arthritis.
ESR of San Marcos is the formulator and manufacturer of Equine-Zyme. ESR has been in the business of developing
and manufacturing natural feed products and supplements for farm animals for well over twenty years. ESR has distributors
for its products throughout most of the free world, and is dedicated to formulating beneficial wholesome feed supplements
for equine applications.
ESR equine products are formulated using the knowledge and expertise of allopathic & holistic veterinarians,
nutritionists, microbiologists, zoologists, immunologists, herbologists and other specialists in the field of animal
nutrition. The fillers used in its products are not the "usual" inert fillers, but are "nutrient
dense" ingredients.
Feeding Instructions: 10 gram scoop included for HORSES.
Easy to feed granulated - powder (rice bran base), mix into grain or with water and pour into grain mix.
EQUINE-ZYME is a feed additive designed to maximize digestive
efficiency. It is a pleasant tasting powder, designed to be used as a daily topping or dressing. EQUINE-ZYME is meant to complement your horse's feed rations and to assist in the absorption and utilization of what
you already feed.
Daily Recommended Dosage: Feed 1 - 2 scoops (10-20grams)
For maintenance: feed one scoop per day (10 grams) for the average horse (950 to 1,250
During High Stress - Several days prior to high stress - feed 2 - 3 scoops (20-30 grams)
During active times of stress such as competition or endurance events: feed two scoops (20 grams) per day - one
in the morning and one at night for the average horse (950 to 1,250 lb horse)
During several days prior to high stress planned events such as for endurance horses, for travel, competition,
or breeding, feed two to three scoops (20 -30 grams) per day.
From the newest tiniest foals, to the most distinguished of elders of the herd - Equine-Zyme plays an important
roll in your feeding program!
Equine-zyme contains 9 species of Live Microbials, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus acidophilus,
Lactobacillus casei, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus lactis, Pediococcus cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis, and
Bacillus licheniformis.
Equine-Zyme also contains six horse friendly digestive enzyme complex including Amylase, Cellulose, Lipase, Protease,
B glucanase, and Hemicellulase.
Our product is higher strength, with over 30 billion cfu (colony forming units) per pound, contains more trace
organic minerals and vitamins then Yea-Sac, Fast Track, or Equine Generator; is more economical, and cost much
less to feed.
Guaranteed Analysis:
Crude Protein (min) 25%
Crude Lipids (min) 1.5%
Crude Fiber (max) 8 %
Lactobacillus acidophilus (min) 2x106 CFU/g
Bacillus subtilis (min) 1x106 CFU/g
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (min) 2x106 CFU/g
Nutrient Composition
(per 2 scoop serving)
MSM 500 mg
Vitamin C 500 mg
Molasses Yeast 500 mg
Pure Bovine Colostrum 500 mg
Vitamin Pre-Mix 200 mg
Mineral Proteinate 100 mg
Digestive Enzymes 150 mg
Ginseng 100 mg
Beta Glucan 3 %
Manna Oligosaccharide (MOS) 3%
also 3% Beta Glucan per serving is high, as we use the very high potency BG in the products
80 to 85% purity, the Plus has 6% BG.
Helps older horses maintain weight
Prevents some forms of gas colic
Has been shown to help in the prevention of and healing of ulcers (stomach and hind gut)
Has been shown to prevent and to reverse ephitisitis in foals
Assists the young horse to absorb all the nutrients it needs for optimal growth
Helps IR/Metabolically challenged horses to digest and absorb their feed stuffs
Item Equine-zyme 1# with natural carrot flavoring $15.95
will last about 5wks
Item Equine-zyme 3# with natural carrot flavoring $44.85
Item Equine-zyme 5# with natural carrot flavoring $69.75
will last about 3 to 5 months depending on dose used
Item Equine-zyme 10# with natural carrot flavoring $129.95
Item Equine-zyme 20# with natural carrot flavoring - email me
for the pricing
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Equine-zyme was designed to benefit all horses from the tiniest of foals to the eldest member of the heard. Equine-Zyme
is a concentrated blend of horse friendly probiotics and digestive enzymes (aides) that promote digestive health
while also optimizing the absorbtion of nutritional supplements.
Regular use has been shown to also aide in the prevention of parasitic infestations. Equine-zyme improves Phosphorus
absorption by 25% and improves the bio-availability of minerals while it improves overall health and well being.
Equine-Zyme may also help to prevent laminitis and gas type colics by maintaining a healthy gut with healthy intestinal
bacteria, while also helping to prevent equine ulcers.
If you would like to know more about pro-biotics and digestive enzymes and why they are great feed additives for
your horse, go to our Articles page by clicking on the following link and scrolling to "Why Pro-biotics and
Digetive Enzymes are Important Feed Additives" published in Natural Horse Magazine. Articles
Equine-zyme contains 8 species of Live Microbials, with a total Microbial Count of over 200 billion colony forming
units, and over 12 billion CFU's for 20 grams, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacills
casei, Enterococcus faecioum, Lactobacillius lactis, Pediococcus cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis.
Equine-zyme also contains six horse friendly digestive enzyme complexes including Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease,
B glucanase, and Hemicellulase.
Our product is higher strength, with over 200 billion cfu (colony forming units) per pound, contains more trace
organic minerals and vitamins then Yea-Sac, Fast Track, or Equine Generator; is more economical, and cost much
less to feed.
EQUINE-ZYME Plus (MSM & Beta Glucan)
3% Beta Glucan per serving is high, as we use the very high potency BG in the products, the Plus has 6% BG.
Higher dosages of MSM provides bio-available compounds
for collagen synthesis
and may contribute to maintaining and repairing cartilage
helps in restoring naturally occurring lubricants around the joints
the Beta-Glucan added to Equine-Zyme + has been show to
speed up wound healing and internal healing from exercise related injuries
has been shown to heighten immune response & defenses
and may stimulate the immune system in general
» 1 lbs. $24.95
» 5 lbs. $118.50
» 10 lbs. $224.55
with natural carrot flavoring $24.95
with natural carrot flavoring $69.95
with natural carrot flavoring $118.00
will last about 3 to 5 months depending on dose used
with natural carrot flavoring $200.00
with natural carrot flavoring email me for the pricing
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EQUINE-ZYME + was designed
to increase immune health as well as stamina.
It contains all the benefits of EQUINE-ZYME with added amounts of Colostrum, MSM and a powerful 90% soluable Beta 1,3 1,6 D Glucan. It also contains
mannaoligosaccharide (MOS), Fructo-oligiosaccharides (FOS), and an organic trace mineral complex, and more, for
digestive tract health.
This is a great product for any horse who has a need for a boosted immune system and needs extra stamina.
Canine -K9-Zyme -Complete Equine-Zyme
(60 Day Supply) - Powder - Easy to sprinkle on their food.
Great for multiple dog households. They love the flavor.
improves overall health and well being
improves digestion
improves absorption of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients
nutrient rich natural ingredients
helps to minimize parasitic infestations
K-9 Zyme was desinged for our canine friends to help them in the same
way that Equine-Zyme works for horses. Improves overall health and wellbeing.
Improves absorption of viatmins, minerals and other nutrients.
May help to minimize parasitic infestations. Contains naturally
occurring anti-cancer agents/anti-cancer compounds. Boosts the immune system.
with Beta Glucan and Colostrum
» Item No. K9Zyme 8 oz. $14.50
» Item No. K9Zyme 1 lbs. $19.50
» Item No. 3 lbs. K9Zyme $58.00
What is Beta Glucan and how does it help the Immune System?
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Feline -Kitty-Zyme- Complete Equine-Zyme
(60 - 90 Day Supply)- Powder - Easy to sprinkle on their food.
Great for multiple cat households. Even finickey cats love the flavor.
(This really helped me get rid of the cat-flu in my old cats before it got much beyond a cough and a sneeze and spread -
you can mix in a little of the ABC Super Vitamins Plus
for an extra immune boost too).
aids in digestion of food more efficiently and completely
relieves constipation and malabsorption of nutrients
filters blood and repairs the body
prevents numerous health disorders
improves overall health and well being
Using Kitty Zyme will help your cats digest their food more efficiently
and completely. It helps to relieve constipation and malabsorption of nutrients.
Improves overall health and well being. May help to prevent parasitic infestations and hair balls.
with Beta Glucan and Colostrum
» Item No. Kitty Zyme 8 oz. $13.00
» Item No. Kitty Zyme 1 lbs. $17.50
What is Beta Glucan and how does it help the Immune System?
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(see COLOSTRUM article)
"Natural Alternative to Protect the Immune Function of Your Horse"
Boosts Under Active Immune System
Enhances Energy & Stamina
Lowers Risk of Health Problems Related to Stress & Travel
Colostrum contains over 37 different important natural immune factors and more than
8 growth factors that work to combat illness and promote health while providing maximum benefits.
There have been over 20,000 scientific studies and research articles performed on colostrum and more health benefits
are being discovered every day. Studies have factors (Immunoglobulins, Lactoferrin, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Interferon)
that help restore immune function to normal and help protect against infection while the growth factors work to
repair and reverse the damage caused by age, disease, stress and injuries.
*** Colostrum is the safe alternative to antibiotics with no side effects ***
immune factors help support and regulate the immune system while its growth factors help regenerate
cellular tissue, regulate glucose, build lean muscle mass, target fat for energy and increases endurance
Item Colostrum 12oz $29.99
Item Colostrum 3# (48 oz.) $130.00
Item Colostrum 6# (96 oz.) $230.00
Item Colostrum 120 caps $30.00
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Beta Glucan Caps (80+%)
120 (120 mg) v-caps
Price may vary from shipment to shipment.
Used for and to prevent bacterial, anti-biotic resistant fungal and viral infections
General immune enhancement
Speeds up healing of exercise induced injuries
Lowers cholesterol naturally
Speeds wound and surgery healing naturally
Helps in fighting infectious diseases, cancer (breast, colon, prostate),
aides immune system during radiation treatments (cancer therapy)
Item No. BG 120 V caps $29.95
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Beta Glucan Powder (85+%)
Price may vary from shipment to shipment.
Higher potency
Excellent for animals who suffer with chronic degenerative diseases
Especially effective in animals who have had poor nutrition,
or with compromised immune systems
Used for and to prevent bacterial, anti-biotic resistant fungal and viral
General immune enhancement
Speeds up healing of exercise induced injuries
Lowers cholesterol naturally
Speeds wound and surgery healing naturally
Helps in fighting infectious diseases, cancer (breast, colon, prostate),
aides immune system during radiation treatments (cancer therapy)
» Item No. BG 85% + 8 oz. $35
» Item No. BG 85% + 1 lbs. $65.00
» Item No. BG 85% + 1 KILO (2.2#'s) $110.00
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In the Beginning...
Since the 1940s, scientists, through Beta Glucan Research, have been evolving the scientific
evidence of the remarkable abilities of a simple substance derived from baker's
to effectively potentiate and activate the immune response, and to work through
nutritional potentiation of the immune response in the body's war against cancer,
ulcers, radiation exposure, infection, and trauma.
The story of beta glucan begins with the study of Zymosan, a drug used throughout Europe.
Zymosan, an immune stimulator, is composed of a crude mixture of yeast cell wall
materials including proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides synthesized into a drug,
which unfortunately has many negative side effects in patients.
Louis Pillemer, Ph.D., and his colleagues first studied the drug Zymosan in the 1940s
and discovered Zymosan was able to nonspecifically potentiate and modulate the immune system.
Zymosan activated the immune response regardless of the type of invader or pathogen,
including viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasite and tumors.
The Dr. DiLuzio' Breakthrough
In the 1960s, Nicholas DiLuzio, Ph.D., conducted additional research at Tulane University
discovering the active immune-activating compound within the drug component
of Zymosan
was Beta-1, 3-D-glucan, a long-chained polysaccharide absent the negatives
of Zymosan with
to date no known toxicity or side effects. Since that critical break through by Dr. DiLuzio,
scientists have determined how beta glucan works to activate the macrophage
immune cells
and in turn the entire immune response. Dr. D.L. Williams and Dr. I.W. Browder
with Dr. DiLuzio in much of this research and contributed both then and still today in
the growing body of Beta glucan research.
Beta-1,3-glucan's beneficial role in
treating cancer was illuminated in 1975 by Peter W. Mansell, M.D.,
and colleagues, as reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Nodules of malignant skin cancer in nine patients were injected with beta-1,3-glucan.
The size of the cancer lesions was "strikingly reduced in as short a
period as five days" and in small lesions "resolution was complete," Dr. Mansell reported.
Interesting Beta Glucan, The Immune System
and Cancer info Here is some Beta Glucan Research to read.
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